My teaching focuses on creating an active learning environment through a pedagogy that uses a variety of approaches informed by a constructivist classroom philosophy. I put students at the center of their learning and empower them to make discoveries as active participants through exercises such as Reacting to the Past. This daily classroom experience challenges students to appreciate historical complexity, strengthen critical thinking skills, and develop communications excellence.

Wesleyan University

God & Guns: the History of Faith and Firearms in America

Introduction to Religion

Issues in Contemporary Historiography

Jesus Chicken: Business and Religion in America

Missionary Mysteries: the Objects and Archives of Wesleyan’s Missionary Past

Schemers and Redeemers: Capitalism and Christianity in the Early Republic

Trump-Evangelicals: the History of Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism in America

War and Religion in Early America

United States Naval Academy

American Naval History

Civilization and the Atlantic Community

Colonial America

Religion and Capitalism in Early America

Revolutionary America and the Early Republic

War and the Bible in Early America

The West in the Premodern World

The West in the Modern World